Goodwill Mission Stories


Written by Goodwill Staff | Jun 29, 2020 6:33:41 PM

Daniel started working with Tina, Employment Specialist with Goodwill Employment Services in June 2019.After job plan and exploration, Daniel started an internship at Cullen & Legios Manufacturing. This "Temporary Work Experience" (TWE) allowed him to explore a small machine shop and learn about CNC programs and operations.

He has been learning about welding and assembly as well. He is using this experience to help him determine which career path he will study in the fall of 2020. He was hired with Cullen & Legios Manufacturing after his TWE ended and continues to learn skills that will assist him with his degree in welding and lifelong career path.

"When Daniel expressed his gratitude to me for introducing him to Cullen & Legios and setting up his work experience, I told him that he did all of the hard work and this is just the beginning of the wonderful things he can accomplish," said Tina.

Daniel enjoys going to work each day and is valued for the work he does. The shop owners appreciate him, his abilities, and are grateful to Tina, Goodwill Services and DVR for introducing him to their shop.