Goodwill Mission Stories


Written by Jamie Klinger-Krebs | May 15, 2017 6:49:00 AM

The harsh reality is that incarcerations on your record can make it challenging to find meaningful employment. After being released from prison, Aleta found herself in a court ordered halfway house while struggling to get her life back on track. Aleta first learned about Goodwill’s Laundry & Linen Services Program through a roommate who was employed with Goodwill, also trying to rebuild her life.

Aleta began working at the James O. Wright Center for Work and Training as a temporary Goodwill employee in the laundry department. As soon as her work experience ended, Goodwill was eager to hire her permanently given her stellar job performance. Aleta suffers from mental health issues and is a part of the AbilityOne Program, which offers one-on-one job instruction, as well as counseling, support and encouragement to individuals with significant disabilities.

Since working her way up from Utility Worker to Scale Operator, Aleta was recently promoted to Lead Worker and now oversees second shift employees on the floor. Coworkers appreciate Aleta’s drive and teamwork. Aleta is a shining example that your past circumstances don’t have to define your destiny.